Év: 1916
Játékidő: 3 mins
Leírás: 'ZEPPELIN DESTROYED. Wreckage of the air raider, the flames of which illuminated London when it fell blazing at Cuffley'. LS of crowd gathered on open parkland. Lorries wait loaded with pieces of the wreckage, while soldiers methodically sort through the debris for anything of interest. 'GATHERING UP THE WRECKAGE. The debris being carefully gathered up and loaded on to the lorries, every fragment is of value in re-constructing the craft'. Soldiers roll up a large bale of the wire used to support the zeppelin fabric, and load scrap fragments onto a lorry. 'A collection of souvenirs of the destroyed Zeppelin. The cartridge cases were exploded by the terrific heat.' (This title is in a modern typeface, and is presumably a replacement for a destroyed or missing original.) CU - rather out of focus - of fragments of wire, individual rounds and packets of ammunition. 'FATE OF OTHER ZEPPS Over 36 Zeppelins have been destroyed by the Allies. The remains of one brought down at Salonika'. MS pan over tangled debris amidst the tall reeds of the Vadar Marshes. A man sitting astride part of the jumbled wreckage gives scale, and as the camera pans the circular structure of girders making up the zeppelin's nose comes into frame. A group of French soldiers examine part of one of the gondolas and cut away at the struts holding fuel tanks and propeller. 'THE CAPTURED CREW The crew of the Zepp destroyed at Salonika, being marched off under escort, they did not share the fate of the London raider'. German crewmen enter a building, walking past a group of smiling Frenchmen - rather incongruously they are accompanied by a French cook swinging a ladle. The Germans do not seem too depressed and one manages a broad smile. MS of the airship's officers in distinctive leather greatcoats - they are being shown a picture or photograph by one of their captors. Again the atmosphere seems generally amiable.
Wreckage of Schütte-Lanz SL11 at Cuffley.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / German Army, SL11, airship / aircraft, German - airship: SL11 & [wrecked] / aircraft, German - airship: [wrecked] / prisoners of war, German / Cuffley, Hertfordshire, England, UK / Greece & Salonika, Macedonia
Szolgáltató: Imperial War Museums
Jogok: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Gyártó: Topical Film Company
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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